Europe is the continent which holds some of the oldest and most prestigious education institutions in the world. There are tens of thousands study programs at almost 3.000 institutions of higher education. In Europe you can study in various European languages and beside that every country offer studies in English language.
In general, academic year across Europe starts in September and it is divided in two semesters. In addition to autumn intake, most institutions offer enrollment at the beginning of the second semester.
European countries offer education systems of high quality which are standardized by the Bologna Declaration. Students in Europe can study different study programs in all study fields which will provide them with useful knowledge and skills, develop their critical and analytical thinking at some of the best education institutions in the world.
Most European countries allow students to work during their studies with some limitations and gain valuable experience which will help them to build successful careers after graduation. In addition, certain countries offer students the opportunity to extend their stay upon graduation and find a job which will help them to stay in the country.
Tuition fees in Europe significantly vary depending on the country, city, education institution and study program. Most countries offer a variety of full and partial scholarships for international students, from public scholarships, through scholarships offered by non-governmental and private institutions, to scholarships of education institutions.
Europe is one of the leading research hubs in the world. Many European countries and their education systems invest significant funds and resources in modern research, innovation and development. Europe tends to improve conditions and opportunities for research as well as to facilitate connection of researchers and research centers worldwide.
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